PHONE: +1 813-945-6386

Frequently Ask Questions

What services do you offer?
We specialize in a range of makeup services including bridal, celebrity, and special occasion makeup. We also offer personalized makeup education sessions for pros and non-pros.
How do I book an appointment?
Appointments can be booked directly through our website by visiting the ‘Contact’ section or by contacting us via email: [email protected] or phone/text 813.945.6386.
What are your rates?
Our rates vary depending on the type of service and event. Please contact us for a custom quote.
What should I bring to my makeup session?
For makeup sessions, please come with a clean, moisturized face. Feel free to bring any favorite products you’d like us to use or pictures for inspiration.
Do you travel for events?
Yes, we offer on-location makeup services across North America and beyond. Travel fees may apply depending on the location.
How can I cancel or reschedule my appointment?
You can cancel or reschedule your appointment by contacting us at least 30 days in advance. Please note that all payments are non-refundable but can be applied to a future appointment if rescheduled within the required time frame.
Do you offer makeup classes?
Yes, we offer both group and one-on-one makeup classes that cater to all skill levels. Check our ‘Classes’ section for upcoming dates and details.
What safety measures do you implement regarding COVID-19?
Your safety is our priority. We adhere to strict sanitization protocols and follow all local health guidelines to ensure our clients’ well-being.